Silent Words in English a to Z Rules

Rule: The E is most often not pronounced at the end of words. For example: peace, homemade, horse There are exceptions to this rule – giraffe, brunette, cassette, gazelle – for example. Rule: A is not pronounced in many adverbs where words end in –ally. For example: stoic, logical. The letter D is silent when it appears before the letters N and G. Sometimes the letter H is not silent after W. Consider the following words. If you know more silent words, send us a message and we will add them to the list and give you a special mention on this page as a thank you. The letter P is not pronounced at the beginning of many words with the combinations PS, PT and PN. Thank you for practicing with me! When you practice repeating aloud, you train your mouth to pronounce these English words more clearly so that others can understand you even better.

Unfortunately, yes. It is said that up to 60% of words in the English language contain a silent letter. This makes spelling much more difficult for learners and even some native speakers. E – Badge. veqetable (veg`tab`I), bridge, clothing. If it is at the end of a word, it changes the pronunciation of the word, but the -e is silent. Rule: T is not pronounced in many common words, including: 1. Silent letter BLetter B mute after M at the end of a word. Examples:- climbing, stupid, serious, limb, bomb, thumbThe letter B is also usually silent in front of T at the end of a root word. Examples:- Subtle, doubt, debt2. Silent letter C is silent in the combination of words SC and C is useless in front of K or Q.Examples:- Muscle, scissors, ascension, miscellaneous- Knowledge, recognition, tolerance, acknowledgement3.

The silent letter DLetter D is not pronounced in the combination DG. Examples:- resentment, hedge, deposit, dodgeIt is also not pronounced in the following words-sandwich, handkerchief, beautiful, Wednesday4. The silent letter ELetter E is silent when it appears at the end of words. Examples:- Location, hide, dig, drive, bite5. The silent letter GLetter G is not pronounced when it precedes n. Examples:- Design, orientation, champagne, foreign characters, signsHowever, there are some exceptions. Examples:- Cognitive, signature, magnet, magmatic6. Silent letter GHLetter GH is silent when it comes after a vowel.

Examples:- By, dryness, girl, light, weight, rightexceptions are when words are compound words, that is, they are combined words. Examples:- niche, foghorn, big headSometimes gh is also pronounced as F. Examples:- Paste, rough, cough7. The silent letter HLetter H is silent when it comes to W. Examples: – What, why, when, where H is also silent when it comes to C, G and R. Examples:- Choir, chorus, rhythm, echoSometimes H is not pronounced at the beginning of many words. Examples:- Time, honest, heirsThese are the rules for silent letters. The rest of the rules for silent letters will be published in our next blog. I hope the above explanation and examples helped you understand the silent letter rule and improve your pronunciation skills. You can also take a spoken English course online and learn English pronunciation lessons. Rule 1: D is not pronounced in the following common words: Wednesday, sandwich, beautiful, handkerchief Rule: P is not pronounced at the beginning of many words with the combinations ps, pt and pn.

For example: pseudonym, pneumonia, psychologist. (No words in American English. However, British English has a few words Rs) KN mute, the k is silent: know, knot, knee, knife, knight, knock. To print the lesson in silent letters in English, click a blank piece and select Print. You can click the printer icon just below and to the right of the Contact Us menu button at the top of the page, or copy and paste the part of the exercise you want into a Word document and then print on paper. Exceptions: GH is pronounced separately in compound words (As you can see in the following words, exceptions are usually compound words). It`s simple – there`s only one silent word – yacht. With the exception of the examples in Rule 1, GH is sometimes pronounced as F, consider the following words: Exceptions are compound words such as niche and foghorn Exceptions: Most words beginning with H are not silent (remember to use the article “a” with the voiced H). My American English pronunciation course includes tons of listening and revision exercises — whole words and sentences — so you can get that important exercise and improve your pronunciation quickly. I hope to see you in class. There are a few rules that help explain which letters are silent, but as with all English rules, there are always exceptions to the rule. If the letter E is at the end of words, it is usually not pronounced.

A silent letter remains unsaid, such as the d in the handkerchief, the n in autumn and the p in the closet. When you speak quickly, silent words like t are pronounced very easily in words like Christmas, mountain and small. (In quick speech, the t is very easily pronounced in words such as Christmas, mountain and small) About 60% of English words contain silent letters. Therefore, it is important for our children to learn to recognize them. Here`s a list of some of the hundreds of common silent electronic words: OK, let`s try these silent letter words – listen to me and repeat me! You don`t want to make embarrassing mistakes by saying those wrong words, so today let`s practice pronouncing some common English words with silent letters from A to Z! English is a language that seems easy to learn, but sometimes you may find it difficult and confusing. Especially when it comes to debate, many of us have difficulties. Because often we don`t spell a word the way we pronounce it. This usually happens with silent letters. Letters in words that are not spoken but make a big difference in meaning are called silent letters. It is important to know these silent letters because 60% of words in English contain these letters.

For example, the word knife has a silent letter k. We pronounce it as `k`nife`. There are rules for silent letters to help you understand when you should use these silent letters. The letter D is not pronounced in the following common words: H is mute at the beginning of many words (remember to use the article “an” with a deaf H) This lesson shows a small list of silent letters from A to Z and serves as a guide for word pronunciation. We have compiled this sheet of ordinary silent letters for you to print. W – which, whole, write, false, two, sword, wrist, answer N – autumn, fireplace, column, damned, damned, government, solemn. Colleague, guess, keep, guide, guilt, guitar, language. D – Handkerchief, Wednesday Wednesday (commonly known as Wens Day) The letter G is not pronounced when it precedes N by a word. G – align, go out, champagne, diaphragm, crunch, gnaw, high, light, rule. climbing, combing, crumbs, debts, doubting, numb, subtle, thumb, grave Rule 1: W is not pronounced at the beginning of a word, where the next letter is r.

For example: write, fake, wrist. Faux pas is a word of French origin. It means a “social error” or “reckless action in a social situation.” Example: “Not inviting your mother-in-law to the party was a serious misstep.” Rule 2: C is usually redundant before the letter k or q. For example: fast, knowledge rule 1: B is not pronounced after m at the end of the word. For example: limb, comb, thumb. If E appears before the letter D in the second and third forms of verbs, it may happen that E is sometimes not pronounced. As already mentioned, there are often exceptions to the rule in English. Silent letters can be heard depending on a person`s accent. L – calm, people, salmon, talk, go, could, should, would want, people, half, veal. Rule: K is not pronounced if it precedes an n at the beginning of a word. For example: knee, know, hit.

Rendez-vous is another word of French origin and means “a meeting or appointment at a certain time and place”. Alternatively, it can mean “meeting place”. Example: “Bob and I have scheduled an appointment this weekend so our families can get to know each other.” Here are the sc exceptions: sclera, sclerosis, muscovado, skeptics Rule 2: GH is sometimes pronounced f. For example: hard, laugh, enough If your pronunciation is not good, then other people might look at you funny or ask you to repeat yourself often. But if you have a nice and clear pronunciation, you can speak English with more confidence because you will be sure to be able to communicate successfully! P – Body, blow, cupboard, pneumonia, psalm, raspberry, reception, blow. B – comb, climb, debt, plumber, grave, subtle, stupid, bomb, doubt, numb, summon, thumb, uterus. Exceptions are magnetic, magmatic, cognitive, signature C – acquire, hands-free, black guard, connecticut, tsar, muscle, scissors, victuals. Rule: L is not pronounced after the vowels a, o and u. For example: calm, dignity, salmon. The exceptions to the rule are: Halo, Bulk, Sulk, Hold, Sell, Fold and Mould. H – chorus, exchast, time, honor, honest, grass, rhyme, rhythm, thyme, Thailand Rule: U is not pronounced, it comes after g and before a vowel. For example: guess, guitar.

In my American English pronunciation course, you can improve your pronunciation over the next 30 days by simply taking the lessons. Click on the link to learn more and take this course. T – Beret, Chevrolet, deposit, listening, whistle, fight, buck, mortgages, apostles. artistic, logical, musical, romantic, stoic There are exceptions, including the fireplace, the ancients, the circumnavigation of the world, twilight, gymnastics, chance. The letter B is not usually pronounced after M at the end of a word. Asthma, ballet, castle, gourmet, listening, report, rebound, softening Rule 1: C is not pronounced in the combination sc.