Legal Ground Vertaling

. Please indicate the legal basis for these measures. If applicable, please also indicate the legal basis for the planned measures/taken. It mentions this article as the legal basis for the request The legal basis of the regulation is the State budget. Results: 360. Exactly: 360. Elapsed time: 170 ms. The legal basis for the transfer shall be the following codes, including, where applicable, the legal basis on which the planned or taken measures are based. Secondly, the Commission had doubts as to the legal basis for authorising the aid. The legal basis for the compatibility assessment. The legal basis for this regulation is Article 10 of the Law on games of chance.

The legal basis for this measure was the de minimis Regulation. The guidelines provide the legal basis for the evaluation of the notified measure. Legal basis and purpose of the decision STATEMENT BY THE COMMISSION ON THE LEGAL BASIS. In parallel with these comments, Italy submitted the requested documents on the legal basis. Article 175(1) of the EC Treaty is therefore the legal basis. Please indicate here the reference to the relevant parts of the legal basis. If applicable, please attach a copy of the legal basis for the funding. Translate text anywhere on your computer with a single click Common short phrases: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200.