Legal Definition of Defrayed

They struggled to raise enough money to cover the cost of a decent funeral. Secondly, because the invoice is drawn up for an expense that we have neither the right nor the authorization to bear. There is also talk of cuts to cover costs, but the details remain unclear and unfinished. A trifle, I assure you; Just enough to cover the expenses – let`s say, uh – a hundred dollars. In a lawsuit, the utility seeks to prevent ERCOT from collecting this bill and impose a surcharge to cover losses resulting from the bankruptcies of other companies. This helps cover the cost of carbon capture, although the plant is still proving expensive. “They give grants to people to cover the costs associated with adoption,” she says. For the northeastern states, Supreme Court rulings have struck down states` ability to levy capitation taxes or obligations on arriving immigrants to cover the cost of their care. At the end of the emergency service, a monthly benefit sufficient to cover the cost of a broadband subscription is required.

To cover the expenses of these magazines, Newport was taxed at fifty pounds and the other three cities at twenty pounds each. He added a small purse of gold to his fine words to cover necessary expenses on the street, like a tip from the king.