Mobile Home Rules and Regulations in California

A lease entered into or renewed on or after January 1, 2006 shall not contain any clause, rule, order or other provision granting the Branch the right of first refusal for an owner`s mobile home located in the park and offered for sale to a third party in accordance with section 7 (effective section 798.70). Nothing in this section precludes a separate consideration agreement granting the park owner or park administration a right of first refusal for the owner`s mobile home located in the park and offered for sale. “Defaulting Resident” means a resident who fails to pay for occupancy in a park, fails to comply with the appropriate written rules and regulations of the park given to the resident at the time of registration or during the period of occupancy of the park, or who contravenes any of the provisions of section 5 (as of section 799.70). The Residence Act for motorhomes (MRL), which appears in articles 798 et seq. of the Civil Code, defines the rights and obligations of the owners and management of the park. The MRA is considered part of the terms of a parking lease or lease. This notice is intended to give you a general knowledge of certain parts of the MRL and other important laws. They are not intended as a statement of law or interpretation. To get binding information, you need to read and understand the laws. These laws change from time to time. Each year that the law has changed, you can obtain a copy of the full text of the law free of charge from the Directorate. This notice is required under paragraph 798.15(i) of the Civil Code and the information provided may not be up to date.

Park owners and managers have certain rights and obligations under the MRA. These include, but are not limited to: “Resident” means an owner or other person legally occupying a mobile home. “Authority” means the owner of a mobile home parking space or an agent or representative authorized to act on their behalf in connection with a rental in the Park. Some sites are subject to an order, rule, order or initiative that limits or restricts rents in RV parks. These laws are commonly referred to as “rent control.” Potential buyers who do not use the mobile home as their primary residence may be subject to rental levels not regulated by these laws. (Civil Code § 798.21) Long-term leases provide for rent increases over the term of the lease. By signing a lease or lease for more than one year, you can remove your rental space from a local rent control order during the term or renewal of the lease if a local rent control order is in effect for the area where the space is located. Local ordinances or regulations cannot be imposed in conflict with these standards, i.e.

state laws and regulations prevail. If the Branch collects a fee or fee from you to receive a financial report or credit score, the full amount of the fee or fee will be applied to your first month`s rent or, if rejected for any reason, will be refunded. However, if you are approved by management, but for some reason decide not to purchase the mobile home, the management may withhold the fee to cover its administrative costs. (Civil Code § 798.74) A resident is not prohibited from affixing a political campaign poster referring to a candidate in an election to a public office or to the initiative, referendum or recall procedure, to the window or side of a manufactured house or mobile home, or to the place where the apartment is located or installed. The size of the façade of a political sign shall not exceed six square feet and the sign shall not be displayed for more than 90 days before an election 15 days after the election, unless a local order of the jurisdiction in which the manufactured home or mobile home referred to in this section is located prescribes a more restrictive time limit for the posting of such sign. In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this Division and the provisions of Part 5 (beginning with section 4000) of section 4 relating to the size and display of campaign signs, the provisions of this Division shall prevail. If you (the mobile home park owner / manager of one of the mobile home parks) know: At the time of registration, the resident will receive a copy of the park`s rules and regulations. “Change of Use” means a use of the Park for purposes other than renting or offering two or more sites to accommodate mobile homes used for human residential purposes and does not imply the adoption, modification or repeal of any parking rule or by-law.