Marco Legal Para El Programa De Orden Y Aseo

According to Supreme Decree No. 594 of the Ministry of Health, “workplaces must be maintained in a good state of order and cleanliness. In addition, effective measures must be taken to prevent or eliminate the intrusion of insects, rodents and other pests of health interest. In this context, the necessary fire prevention measures must be taken to reduce the possibility of starting a fire, to control fuel loads and heat sources, and to inspect facilities according to a predetermined schedule. Control of combustible products should include measures such as control and cleanliness programmes, as well as rationalization of the amount of combustible material, both stored and in process. Did you know that an orderly and clean work environment is not only pleasant, but also helps us perform our tasks better? An organized and safe space is essential to carry out our work more efficiently, safely and without accidents or health risks. Order and cleanliness are essential to create a safe and pleasant working environment. The order at the workstations includes all the operations carried out there and all the persons involved in the enterprise, whether workers, superiors or managers. The existence of a program that keeps the premises clean, organized and clean avoids the existence of hazards that can cause fires, falls, blows and other types of workplace accidents.