Legal Aid Board Legal Clerk

Reentry Advocacy (Alameda, Contra Costa, Santa Clara): Low-income individuals seeking to overcome a criminal conviction and resettle in our communities face several civil law barriers, including housing, employment, licensing, access to public services, and consumer debt. Articling students help provide comprehensive legal services to these clients by helping them represent themselves directly in various areas of civil law practice. Articling students are also involved in ongoing litigation. Domestic Violence Restraining Order Clinic (Contra Costa, San Mateo) Trainee lawyers assist self-represented litigants seeking a civil domestic violence injunction (including custody, access, and support orders). Case workers have the opportunity to become familiar with all stages of the process and work directly with litigants who conduct interviews and write briefs. In our downtown San Francisco office, articling students are assigned to one of our programs and work closely with attorneys on impact litigation and individual cases, as well as in clinics. Responsibilities include working personally with clients through the Workers` Rights Clinic or the Wage Rights Clinic and creating memos, briefs, discoveries and process requests. Please read our program brochure for more details. Consumer Rights Clinics (Napa, Alameda, Contra Costa, San Mateo, Santa Clara): Consumer Rights Clinics offer workshops to learn about your rights and one-on-one help in communities where low-income consumers live. Articling students assist clinic visitors in resolving consumer law issues, with a focus on debt collection actions and the protection of exempt income and wages from debt collection activities.

Medical training for clinic volunteers is offered twice a year. However, applications are accepted year-round. Create an account for Law Society websites, including, and, course reservations, online purchases, resume registry access, and premium content. Если вас интересует временная должность офисного работника в Дублин Каслбар Уэксфорде и вы свободно говорите по-английски, отправьте резюме по адресу Economic Justice Advocacy (Alameda, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, Santa Clara): Trainee lawyers help clients obtain much-needed health insurance, Social Security, and disability benefits. Articling students participate in direct individual representation and ongoing impact processes. Law students will learn about Medi-Cal, Medicare, Healthy Families, CalWORK, General Support, Food Stamps, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), and general health access issues. For ISS and SSDI clients (benefits for low-income individuals who are unable to maintain employment due to a physical or mental disability), trainee lawyers have the ability to determine fitness, gather and prepare evidence, prepare briefs, assist with negotiations, and possibly represent the client at an administrative hearing.

Health Access Advocacy (Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Sonoma, Napa, San Francisco, Santa Clara): Trainee lawyers have the opportunity to assist with counsel, negotiate with agencies and organizations that provide health services, and BayLegal clients in state administrative hearings (no certification required) on various legal issues related to the use of health services, including affordable care Act (“Obamacare”). Applicants must have completed their first year of law school. The successful candidate must have a passion for social justice and poverty issues, as well as a sensitivity to working with people from different backgrounds. Special attention will be given to students who have a demonstrated commitment to low-income or disadvantaged communities. BayLegal encourages students who have completed the evidence course required to become certified by the California State Bar to represent clients in court. During the school year, students typically work 10 to 15 hours per week. During the summer, trainee lawyers work full-time. Students who speak Spanish, Cantonese, Vietnamese, Russian or other Southeast Asian languages are encouraged to apply. BayLegal welcomes and prefers students who can commit to more than one semester.

Students are encouraged to apply for funding through their law school and other funding opportunities (please contact us if we can help). For more information, see Internships are available throughout the year and applications are accepted throughout the year until all positions are filled. For the summer, we will continue to review applications in October and recommend that you submit an application by February 1. Please send a completed BayLegal Legal Legal Assistant application (available indicating preferred offices and projects with a copy of your CV, cover letter and sample writing to: BayLegal selects approximately 20 to 30 law students to work in our offices during the academic year and approximately 40 students during the summer. Under the supervision of BayLegal lawyers, employees have the opportunity to create files from scratch, including: conducting client interviews and initial case assessments; obtaining discoveries and other evidence; preparing clients for school; prepare briefs and other legal briefs; support for self-represented litigants; participation in public relations and education; and representing clients in administrative and state court hearings. Articling students can also help draft writs of mandamus for the Superior Court and California courts of appeals, and participate in broader litigation.

Articling students often work on projects and cases that have a profound and lasting impact on our client communities. Legal Barriers to Employment Project (LBEP) (San Francisco): Trainee lawyers help remove legal barriers to employment such as criminal records, suspended driver`s licenses, threats of deportation, and credit issues with a range of legal remedies. LBEP provides comprehensive legal services to social assistance recipients who face legal barriers that prevent them from finding employment and escaping poverty. Consumer Protection Advocacy (based in San Francisco and serving clients throughout the San Francisco Bay Area): Law clerks provide assistance on economic and financial issues affecting low-income consumers, including foreclosure prevention, bankruptcy, student loans, fair collection, unfair business practices, and consumer fraud. The Consumer Protection Unit protects the rights of clients living in poverty, who are particularly vulnerable to expensive loans, predatory loans, credit reporting errors, employment and housing history reporting issues, predatory for-profit schools, and unfair business models such as credit repair agencies and foreclosure fraud. Articling students assist with client interviews and learn how to identify legal issues, write legal briefs, and conduct legal research and writing. Certified law students are encouraged to appear in court.