Matriz Legal De Requisitos Legales

Some companies apply standards to improve their work processes. For example, there are ISO 9001 certified organizations that, although not mandatory, improve the quality management of their products or services. These types of regulations should also be included in the legal requirements matrix, as they represent the guidelines under which the company operates. There are also companies that opt for international regulations due to their relations with economic groups abroad or at the request of their customers, these regulations must be proven in the matrix of legal requirements. On the other hand, like all SG-SST regulations, at least all information related to the matrix of legal requirements must be carried out and reviewed annually. For example, review the rules that have been added, modified, or deprecated to maintain compliance and updating of these standards. It is important to remember that once the settlements have been received, the most important thing is to keep our legal requirements matrix up to date with their respective evidentiary activities. Regularly update the Legal Requirements Matrix (MRL) in the following cases: The person designated as responsible for overseeing the legal matrix must demonstrate compliance with the adopted legislation, training, discussions, meetings, procedures or other activities that demonstrate that the company is complying with the legislation may be carried out. The following steps facilitate the development of a matrix of legal requirements: On the other hand, the political constitution of Colombia is not part of the regulations that must be taken into account to form the matrix of legal requirements. Although the Constitution sets out a number of rights and duties that must be fulfilled by citizens, these have already been regulated by laws, decrees and resolutions. By complying with these rules, it is directly in conformity with what is established in the Colombian political constitution. It is a document that reflects all the regulations that a company such as MSMEs must comply with by law, so they must contain evidence by activities that ensure compliance with these regulations.

For example, the Material Labour Code, Resolution 2646 of 2008 and the unified labour sector regulations must be taken into account in the matrix of legal requirements. The legal requirements matrix applies to all legal entities such as MSMEs, regardless of the sector of activity In addition, the legal requirements matrix is also part of the general documentation that each company must have in order to develop the occupational health and safety management system. This is specified in Article Decree 1072 of 2015. The matrix of legal requirements should include the applicable standard, its year of publication, title, applicable articles and scope of the standard. In order to keep this list up to date, the employer must communicate the action plan and proof of compliance with each standard used, in addition to the follow-up dates. For this reason, it is important that, when reviewing and selecting adopted regulations, the accepted action plan for each standard be specifically considered. As a special “tip” for the successful implementation of the Legal Requirements Matrix, we remind you that each time a standard is created, you classify and treat it according to risk and include in the action plan the activities to be developed to comply with it; Look for a mechanism that allows you to verify its application and traceability to determine with the action developed which standards you respect. A legal requirements matrix or legal matrix is a document that contains all the information about the regulations that a company must comply with under the law. These legal rules and obligations are moderated by various mechanisms to ensure that a company ensures compliance with occupational safety and health regulations by providing evidence of activities. A matrix of legal requirements should be based specifically on the company`s activities.

These processes are designed to review and demonstrate improvements made by a company to certify compliance with rules, laws, resolutions, orders and other obligations. In this LIVE on our Youtube channel, frequently asked questions about the legal matrix are answered.