Anthony Makuch, President, Chief Executive Officer and DirectorPhone: +1 416-840-7884Email: Forward-looking statements are necessarily based on a number of factors and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by Agnico Eagle and Kirkland Lake Gold at the time these statements are made, are inherently subject to business, economic, operational and other risks. uncertainties, contingencies and other important factors. including any results, performance or achievements described below that could cause Agnico Eagle and Kirkland Lake Gold`s actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from the results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Mark Utting, Senior Vice President, Investor Relations Phone: +1 416-840-7884 Email: When comparing the combined company`s figures to those of its leading gold counterparts, data from Bloomberg, the Fraser Institute, equity research reports or disclosure were used to ensure consistency of measures compared between the combined company and the peer group. Neither Agnico Eagle nor Kirkland Lake Gold is able to verify Bloomberg, the Fraser Institute, stock market research reports or disclosure figures, and the non-GAAP financial performance measures used may not match the non-GAAP financial measures calculated by Agnico Eagle, Kirkland Lake Gold or any of the senior Gold peers. Certain comparisons of the combined company with its senior gold peers (such as all-in sustaining costs per ounce, EBITDA margin and portfolio risk) are based on Bloomberg, Fraser Institute, equity research reports or senior gold peer publications received as of September 27, 2021 (unless otherwise noted). Bloomberg is a software, data and media company that provides business and business news, data and analysis. The Fraser Institute is a Canadian think tank that conducts research on a range of topics, including energy, natural resources and the environment. A stock market research report is a document prepared by a research analyst at a financial institution that contains a recommendation as to whether an investor should buy, hold or sell shares of a public company, and often includes the target price, investment thesis, valuation and risk assessment, and is available from many sources. including Bloomberg.
The publicly disclosed information by the Senior Gold Peers includes the continuous disclosure documents filed by the Senior Gold Peers on SEDAR and EDGAR, and these documents include statements regarding mineral reserves and mineral resources, historical production figures and cost and production forecasts. Neither Bloomberg nor the Fraser Institute is affiliated with Agnico Eagle or Kirkland Lake Gold. “Highest EBITDA margin” is a non-GAAP financial performance measure based on estimates of this figure from recent equity research reports prepared for Agnico Eagle, Kirkland Lake Gold and Senior Gold peers as of September 27, 2021. This term does not have a standardized meaning under IFRS and therefore may not be comparable to similar measures used by other entities. Financial comparisons between the combined company and its leading gold peers will be based on data presented in stock market research reports, which may not be calculated in the same way as comparable Agnico Eagle and Kirkland Lake Gold measurements.