Detriment Legal Concept

Any loss or damage to a person or property; Waiver of any legal claim, benefit or anything of value. It is a promise that is made. The term is generally used when a promise or undertaking is not kept and relying on the promise was a reasonable decision on the part of the dependant. This is often an issue that is discussed in relation to oral contracts. For example, imagine that a customer promises that a small business owner will pay for a service, but once the services are provided, the customer refuses to pay. The contractor would have to prove that he had every reason to believe in the promise that he would be harmed by the non-payment and that he would be treated unfairly. He used to rely on the client to pay him for a few months of work, and now he has financial problems because the client didn`t pay. It hurt his business and his livelihood. These sample sentences are automatically selected from various online information sources to reflect the current use of the word “disadvantage.” The opinions expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us your feedback. Middle English, Middle French or Latin; Middle French, from the Latin detrimentum, de deterere to wear away, impair, from de- + terere to rub â more at throw entry 1 See the full definition of detriment in the english language learners dictionary Legal disadvantages arise when the promisor does something he is not legally obliged to do or abstains from something he is legally allowed to do.

Legal disadvantage: If a person waives a legal right or freedom in exchange for a promise, this is a valid consideration. Disadvantages are most often applied to contracts because they are an essential element of the consideration which is a prerequisite for a legally enforceable contract. Suffering inconvenience means cementing a promise either by omitting something you have the legal right to do, or by doing something you are not legally obliged to do. Nglish: Translation of disadvantage for Spanish speakers The legal disadvantages, as opposed to the disadvantages in fact, are when the promisor renounces something that he was allowed to keep before the contract. Most importantly, we have created a company well positioned for significant growth as the hospitality industry and economic recovery gain momentum. The hosting industry is emerging from one of the harshest environments in recent history. Powered by Black`s Law Dictionary, Free 2nd ed. et The Law Dictionary. Source: Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law ©1996. Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. Publié sous licence par Merriam-Webster, Incorporated.